Throwback ... Wednesday?
Who cares! This is too f*cking fabulous not to share! I can't speak for ya'lls, but I know that I've been waiting with wicked anticipation for The Giver—Lois Lowry's young adult masterpiece—to make it to the big screen since I was in braces.
FINALLY the wait is over! The trailer was just released today and looks amazing. Already we can see that Meryl Streep steals the screen as the Chief Elder and Jeff Bridges embodies everything we imagined the actual Giver to be. Katie Holmes looks flawless as a dystopian Stepford wife (no surprises) and apparently Taylor Swift also has some prime airtime as the previous Receiver.
Though The Giver is techniiiiiically a young adult (i.e., mature child) book, the subject matter is ridiculously heavy. Even adult readers find themselves debating philosophical notions raised by the context. What kind of danger lies in individuality? Emotions? Choice?
It's no surprise the book won a Newbury Medal and two ALA awards (Notable Children's Book and Best Book for Young Adults), among many other awards and glowing reviews.
Watch and relive 8th grade (just kidding, that kinda sucked) through the new trailer for this (hopefully) amazing movie.
Image: Meryl. F*cking. Streep Courtesy of, The Weinstein Company's YouTube channel